A Huge Paragraph Collection For All Kind Of Student

Monday, August 22, 2016

Paragraph About A College Magazine


Paragraph About A College Magazine
Paragraph About A College Magazine

                                A COLLEGE MAGAZINE

A college magazine gives a view a of the life of the college and reveals the creative genius of the students. It contains poems, articles and short stories all written by the teachers and students. Almost every well established college publishes a magazine every year. The publication of  a college magazine is a very difficult task. The editor and his assistant have to work hard to publish the magazine. The magazine committee invites writings from the students and teachers . The editorial board selects the qualified ones for printing. The college magazine serves many many useful purposes. The most important is that it brings out the latent creative talents of the students and thus helps them to be a good writers. A student feels proud and happy when he finds his own writing in print in the college magazine. The college magazine also reflects the academic and co-curricular activities of the college. It is a treasure island to the students. The students can learn many things from the college magazine. In the world the college magazine mirrors the college. 


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